
Passing by — 3 Comments

  1. Soooo, not watching the weddin then, eh. 😀

    This was a village lecture ?.

  2. Even when Princess Anne was married in 1972 and there was a day off school, I did not watch it. Not watching such things is a habit of a lifetime!

    The astronomy lecture was in the Schroedinger Theatre in the Physics building at TCD.

  3. Ahhh that explains it. You have a gaggle of Dubliners with money going back to when Noah was a lad -Probably subcontracted the wiring on the ark, truth be told- who dress in their great grandparents tweeds and got a darn good education in UCD and TCD.

    In ’72 we hadn’t the electric. We were in a pocket to one side of the 30s line and the 50s line didn’t quite get that far. But a very very republican neighbour had a TV and all turned up to see it. It was the first time I was struck by contradictions so amazingly displayed. And being more than a tad OCD found it very hard to deal with back then. 😀

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