No celebration in Dublin now seems complete without excessive amounts of alcohol, which brings with it the need the need to vomit in public places, to fight with anyone who might be passing and to urinate in the street – and if you don’t believe me, then come and watch our suburban dual carriageway some weekend evening. Saint Patrick’s night featured a gang of fifteen or sixteen year old youths walking down the road, shouting obscenities at each other and at anyone passing by; urinating in the shrubs; and smashing beer bottles on the pavement. This is a good night out for some people in Ireland.
Flicking through You Tube for stuff from Bayonne, I found a Basque band giving an impromptu street recital amidst very merry revellers late one night last summer
No broken glass in sight; no vomit; and no incontinent young men.
Where did we get it wrong?