
Closing circles — 6 Comments

  1. This is exactly the reason why I love the internet, you can find out information about the most obscure things at the touch of a button.
    My first record player (when I was about 5 or 6) was a green portable one that only played 45’s – you slipped them in the front and couldn’t see the inner workings of the machine, (kidproof, I guess). Anyway three records came with it – Bridget the Midget(don’t know who sang it!) One about medicinal compound curing the strangest of ills, an odd premise for a song but a catchy tune that was sang robustly in the back seat of my Dads Zepher on trips to Kent and the third record was one that I know word for word and haven’t heard for probably 30 years. Your post prompted me to search for it on youtube and there it was! I discovered something I didn’t know, that it was number one in 1968, the year I was born, how it came to be in my record collection 5 years later is a mystery.
    Anyway, I’ll share it with you:


  2. Medicinal compound – Lily the Pink! I knew that without Googling it! (Did you have freckles?)

    Did you not dance with boyfriends to ‘Honey’? 😉

  3. That’s it – Lily the Pink! I did have freckles, didn’t dance though, I was too shy back then. Good thing that’s all changed – I’ll be looking for dance partners tomorrow night!

  4. If you had freckles, be thankful you weren’t given medicinal compound. Poor Jennifer Eccles in the song was never the same again:

    “Jennifer Eccles
    had terrible freckles
    and the boys all called her names
    but she changed with medicinal compound
    and now he joins in all their games”.

    I have two left feet and will be very tired from the Sunday School party (and from going to Josh Ritter and to another party afterwards tonight)

  5. Never heard of her . . checked her out on You Tube though and she’s still travelling well. I think my big songs of that time (1981 ish?) Was Barbara Streisand and Barry Gibb “Guilty” (very romantic), Gerry Raffert “Baker Street” and Steve Winwoods “Arc of a Diver” played them till the grooves wouldn’t work!

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