
Contemplating Rita — 9 Comments

  1. Perhaps if people didn’t strive for bigger and better all the time and just lived with the perfectly good model until it wore out, then perhaps they would be happier,,,,,,,A Land Rover Discovery 4 is very nice but I am quite contented with my Discovery 1, at least its simple mechanics not plug it into a computer..much more fun to be able to tinker with…..

  2. Oh I think you’re a little maudlin yourself today Ian. Who wouldn’t lament the end of a week in Austria . . .I think ‘contentment’ is a worthy aim, Happiness is too elusive . . .I am truly happy on the weekend!

  3. Contentment feels good……..Happiness? people would think I had wind if I smiled!!!!

  4. I’m not sure.

    I thought this an ‘Educating Rita’ moment!

    and then I thought, ‘I’ve got some difficult stuff to sort out when I go home’,

    and then I thought, ‘I’ve had a great day out with four people from Ulster, whom I had never met before this week and I’m not going to let anything spoil the moment!’

    (Thank you to Ernie and Laura and Alan and Lynn for a great day’s craic)

  5. I’d never heard it before. It’s a reverse of Sarstedt’s ‘Where do you go to my lovely?’ where her high class life cannot take away the memories of being poor.

    It has never been a conscious decision, but Church of Ireland stipends are around the level of the average industrial wage in Ireland – it keeps a firm sense of reality.

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