
Looking for a difference — 4 Comments

  1. I’ve always considered the Hare Krishnas to be summer people. Their bell-ringing and chanting brighten up humdrum shopping trips; but I imagine that they have to retreat indoors when November chills start blowing from northerly places. One strong point your piece touches on, however, is the lack of flair in much Irish church liturgy. Yes, definitely, continental Sunday masses with their well rehearsed choral singing and good French or Italian diction by celebrants exude a flavour of exuberant formality often lacking in Irish churches. One gets the impression that continental congregations are involving themselves in the collective celebration of something dynamic. African and East European asylum seekers and immigrant workers have noticed a dead atmosphere on Irish Sunday mornings. Some of them have tried to liven things up by getting active in choirs. Good for them.

  2. Congregationally, I prefer modern liturgy, but I find that privately I prefer the Elizabethan English of our traditional liturgy – it has a stronger sense of the ‘other’. (Don’t telly my bishop!)

  3. I remember with fondness the Hare Krishna restaurant in Dublin – not sure how extensive the menu was – I always had dahl and chips. But it was lovely dahl and chips and lots of it and dead cheap.

  4. Was that the place near the former offices of the Irish Independent? Did chips not upset one’s karma?

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