
Thinking of names — 9 Comments

  1. “O’Rourke today” – I love it. I knew of a family in Co Tipp who were referred to as the Ryan Smalls, the small was to denote stature since Ryans were ten a penny in the area. My maternal grandmother’s ancestors came from Athboy in Co Meath and bore the name D’Arcy. Granny loved to accentuate the ‘Arcy’ with a giggle. You seldom here of that name now, perhaps they all use Darcy.

  2. When I was a student at the LSE in the early 80s, I received a maintenance grant from Somerset County Council. The grant came from a man whose surname was de Ath!

  3. On a slightly different track, I am teaching some travellers from the same family all named Tony; Tony Boy, Tony Black and Tony White (on account of their hair colour) Their father/uncle and grandfather are Tony’s too.

  4. d’ and de in Ireland are abbreviations of ‘the’; as in D’Unbelievables and the barber’s shop in Mountrath which has a sign above the door saying ‘De Barber’s’!

  5. The Gaelicisation of Obama prompted an indignant reaction in the columns of the Irish Times!

  6. Tess d’ Urberville – it wouldn’t make sense, the novel is called Tess of the d’Urbervilles. Tess of the the Urbervilles would just be nonsense!

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