
Forget the theology, bring a screwdriver — 6 Comments

  1. Ian, you know it would go against all Health and Safety regs to be up on that roof in a gale holding them rooftiles down without any scaffold or edge protection…….Tell them you cant go up on the roof…….

  2. Mercifully, we have a lay chair in our parish school.

    I hadn’t thought about the Health and Safety angle.

  3. Ian – I agree. And I think that those regulations were drawn up [not by us] at the point at which your wife and I were unequally-yoked as it were. And that’s before you start on the nonsense that you cannot have two or more people working together where one has defined working conditions – however mad – and the other does not.

    And here’s another way of looking at the same issue. I/we deal fairly constantly with issues of pastoral breakdown. Some are over ‘issues’ and relationships. But many are over the failure of a minority of clergy to be – or be seen to be – actively engaged in their ministry – in a world where almost everybody else carries expections of accountability and delivery.

    I know that ministry is not just about meeting expectations …. but but how many sessions do you think it would take you to meet the [reasonable] expectations of your parishioners in respect of presence, visibility, pastoral care, Sunday? I doubt if you would need 14 or anything like it – which leaves plenty of time for ‘added value’ stuff. Don’t ask me how you deal with the institutional infrastructure questions which you raise – I have more than my share of that. But buried in the background of this debate is the widely-held view that clergy as a breed generally either over or under work – and very few of us get the balance right in the middle. Which is why we don’t have healthy and balanced lives – and maybe not the healthy and balanced ministries that we are called to.

  4. I think honesty on both parts would provide allow progress. The church should accept its obligations as an employer instead of maintaining the fiction that clergy are ‘self-employed’ and clergy should accept the obligations of being employees and not hide behind the anachronism of freehold.

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