
A good day for wimps — 2 Comments

  1. As a scientist (with a Ph.D. in one of the applied biological sciences, not in physics or math or studies of life origins), I have always been fascinated by the intersections of science and Christian faith. If both are, in their barest essence, a search for truth, then faith and science must eventually intersect if both theologians and scientists are open to new truths. Unfortunately, scientists and theologians rarely speak the same language. Theologians have always believed in parallel universes (physical vs spiritual; that which is seen vs. that which will be revealed, etc.), but they frequently bristle when string theorists arrive at similar conclusions after attacking the problem from a secular angle. In fact, I believe that the Holy Scriptures suggest at least three parallel universes: the physical one we experience as humans, the divine universe where God, Christ, and the God-fearing angels exist, and the universe of evil to which Satan and his legions have been expelled. The interesting part is that, if one believes the Bible, then all three of those universes co-exist right now here on earth.

    Scientists (and all humans who deny their spirituality) are limited to working only in the physical universe. However, right now scientists in various disciplines are recognizing that the physical universe (at least as we currently know it) accounts for less than 10 percent of the energy that had to be present at the Big Bang. Isn’t it possible that the other 90-plus percent represents the spiritual aspects of existence that we cannot access as humans (at least during this lifetime)? If that might be true, then I find it ironic that scientists who deny God or any options for spiritual beings have voluntarily limited themselves to exploring less than 10 percent of all that was created at the Big Bang.

    Admittedly, science does not have the tools needed to explore the spirit world, but theology does have those tools. Only those who can appreciate both science and theology are likely to glimpse the limitless creativity and love of the Creator God who came as Christ to inhabit our limited physical universe and point us to the larger realities that await those who believe in him. How ironic that American astrophysicists are attempting to communicate with other forms of life in the universe by sending out radio signals when some of those life forms have already come to communicate with us!

    To sum up, most attributes of God can be expressed as light (the physical universe) and love (the spiritual universe). Unless someone suddenly discovers and explains dark matter and energy, it seems likely that physical matter may be limited to less than 10 percent of all that exists whereas love or spiritual aspects of creation probably make up most of the rest. Admittedly, if I am correct in assuming from Scripture that God and Satan no longer inhabit the same spiritual universe, then some small portion of the total creation is undoubtedly required to account for Satan and his minions, but I suspect that it is a quite small proportion in comparison with the proportion required for LOVE!

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