
Talking across the years — 4 Comments

  1. The morning of the return to boarding school usually involved me getting into my grandmother’s bed and playing I spy or something similar for a while. I can remember as though it were yesterday the feeling of dread as the time to get up drew closer. I can clearly recall thinking that if i lay very still no-one would notice the time.

  2. The weekend before the return always seemed like a barrier against the waiting reality, once it was passed, the gloom descended.

    Now I wonder if some of the staff didn’t feel the same – that religion of wretchedness and hatred of anything enjoyable can’t have made term time a bundle of laughs for them.

  3. I wasn’t unhappy there Ian. The girls school was evidently a better and happier place than the boys school; fortunately for us. I missed my siblings constantly, we are very close even now, it was that which was my problem.

  4. The girls’ regime seemed altogether more benign. There were staff at the boys’ school who seemed to delight in cruelty and bullying.

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