
Minimum wage and zero hours — 3 Comments

  1. I’m saddened to discover you have returned to England. Knowing you only from this blog and it’s writings I think your presence on this island only enhanced it. Your humanity and openhanded welcome on this blog was truly refreshing and I imagine the people you had under your care will miss you profoundly.

    Now, on topic.
    These contracts are little more than slavery, or more exactly a return to the labour conditions of the workhouse. And while the Tories have had that style of thinking at the core of their policies you’d expect Labour to see it for what it is.

  2. Thank you. I’m just an ordinary 5-8 now.
    I got my first payslip yesterday, £266 for thirty-five hours worked – £7.61 an hour, 11p an hour above the minimum.
    Tony Blair’s Labour Party was no friend to working people.

  3. Dear Ian,

    Thank you to openly denounce the social injustice expressed in these days in the name of democracy and good governance. I wish you could start writing books,Ian. You have the mind and full potentials of a famous writer. It’s high time for you to adventure in books writing. You’ll be the bestseller whenever you come out and begin. All my prayers to you.

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