
Knuckle dusting days — 2 Comments

  1. The gangs of teen boys acting the maggot were always around. But where I’m not so sure is just how much Mind is behind their actions.
    A bit like the event on the DART that was caught on CCTV a while back. I don’t for one second think they intended that the woman went down between the carriage and the platform wall. Sure if they weren’t there and being a pain in the buttocks she would’ve went on her way. But there is a bit of a difference. Indeed I’d go so far as to say leaving a gap wide enough for such a passage might be laid on the DART people.

  2. The DART’s fault not the thugs who caused her fall? the thugs didn’t care who they hurt. I saw the incident on tv this week and noticed that the girl went down in a gap between carriages. Perhaps Vince should contact the DART manufacturers and suggest that they redesign their trains.

    The RTE Prime Time programme during the week showed the serious level of thuggery on public transport. The transport unions want a dedicated Garda public transport resource; the Gardai from inspector down agree; the Commissioner doesn’t and the Minister for Transport, Ryan, doesn’t seem to care. Thuggery on public transport is not a joke.

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