
Living Lord — 8 Comments

  1. I accidentally discovered that a friend had been a churchgoer when she joined in with “Living Lord” one day as I was whistling that lovely tune. This led to a deeper friendship and we now attend church whenever able to meet.
    Seperately, I encountered for my first time several key changes during services around the same time, and found how exciting these can be. The four note link between verses in Living Lord seemed a natural invitation for a dramatic Key change, and happily our organist here in Essex has played it twice, and the Lincolnshire organist once, I find it a hugely emotional experience. Finding that Patrick Appleford actually lives close, in a suburb of Chelmsford, seemed an astonishing coincidence! In a precious phone conversation he applauded my efforts for the key change, and his remarks have led me towards further research on the subject. This has been a significant and happy experience, for which I am grateful! Mike

  2. As a Principal Officer in the Community Education Service of Essex County Council (a post which included the running of the county youth orchestras) I was introduced to Patrick Appleford. That meeting led to a long friendship and a number of collaborations. For the St. Cecilia Choral Society (of which I was the musical director and Patrick a member) he wrote the cantata ‘Messiah Comes to Town’ which enjoyed great success and was broadcast locally. I also harmonised and orchestrated his Hymn to Youth for full orchestra, fanfare trumpets and four part choir which was given its first performance in the Royal Albert Hall during the International Year of Youth and was later sung by Sir Harry Secombe when ITV broadcast and filmed in Chelmsford for ‘Highway’. Although I have lived in Ireland since 2000, I keep in touch with Patrick who is still composing and sends me pieces from time to time. As a member of the choir of Christ Church Cathedral in Waterford, I have a quiet smile to myself each time we sing Living Lord!

  3. I have always loved this hymn and I can truly say that it draws you in to some kind of profoundly loving energy, there is a wonderful balance between the words and the music. Thank you Patrick Appleford……….always.

  4. It is a hymn sung at our wedding thirty-three years ago, it was, and remains, a favourite

  5. I have been a fan of Patrick Appleford ever since I first sang Living Lord at an Easter morning service at Mirfield Community of the Resurrection when I was a teenager. Such a major experience of light and love and a Living Lord. The next time that was important was when I sang it again, again at a Communion service after I had lost my faith for ten years and had just dramatically found it again.
    Thank you, Patrick so very much and for much else.

    P. S. Tomorrow I am going to speak about it at a “Songs of Praise” Churches Together service held at the Catholic Church in Keynsham, Bristol.
    I want to speak of how much the hymn has meant to me.

  6. It seems so long ago that I wrote those words – it’s a pity they are still relevant!

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