
Alpbach bound — 6 Comments

  1. Oh Ian, you have no idea how I share your fear of flying but if you want to do the things you do . . .it’s a means to an end. I’m sure you’ll be just fine . .console yourself with the fact that it’s not a 24 hour trip in a tin can to Oz and have a wonderful ski holiday . . kudos to you for being able to do more than snow plow into the four wheel drive in the car park, yep . .I’ve done that!

  2. The Greeks and the Italians always clap the pilot. Not sure why you’ve got to come down come what may. At least you didn’t have Didier the French Easyjet pilot who often did the Bristol Belfast run. He seemed to think the runway was much shorter than it was and we descended steeply and hit the ground with a bang. I did eventually come to expect it but when we skidded sideways in the snow one day I was a little disconcerted. Enjoy the break.

  3. Hope your flight got away on time, Ian

    My son was flying Dublin-Geneva this afternoon to ski in French Alps and heard that some flights this am were badly delayed 🙁

    It was all right; it was!

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