There are three simple ways to avoid fraught moments:
(i) don’t get married
(ii) don’t move house
(iii) don’t go on holiday
Each factor alone provides sufficient explosive material for a lengthy exchange, combined the three create a very unstable mixture.
This afternoon, I sought the mains lead for the camcorder. (We are going on holiday on Wednesday.)
The last time I could definitely remember having it was in May of last year. We have moved house twice since then, to allow our old house to be knocked down, and a year later back into the new house.
House moves create problems for holiday packing.
“Have you seen the mains lead for the camcorder?” I asked the Best Beloved.
A number of suggestions were profferred, each more fruitless than the previous one. Sorting through unpacked boxes in the attic, I became increasingly irritable. Moving house and going on holiday are not good for blissful relationships.
I counted to ten and came downstairs to my study. Underneath a trolley of suspension files there was the lid of a five ream box of paper. I wasn’t sure why it had been left there when we moved. Lying in it was the mains lead.
Fraught moment past – after twenty-four years I’m getting quite good at not having arguments.
Surely not getting married is a fairly drastic way of finding a camcorder lead?
A simpler rule is to start the search in the least likely place. I usually start in the bread bin, and follow it up with the fridge.
Have a great holiday. Think of us waterlogged wretches while you are enjoying the sun.
Ian, when you start hiding things on yourself it is a very bad sign! When they are under your nose and you don’t see them it is even worse!;)
I can only speak on 1 & 3 above. My husband used to say that life was to short to fight and no matter what happened he said it was not as bad as a bad marriage.
I think he had a point.
Fraughtness won’t go near describing the atmosphere when I announce that I have today, in the middle of packing for a month, to go to the Church of Ireland library in Rathgar to return a pile of books!