
The last of his generation? — 2 Comments

  1. Thanks Ian a very fitting tribute to Vigar.England is a smaller place than it used to be, maybe I am of that age but the ‘I’ve got considerably more money than you’ and ‘I can do whatever I want in this village’ sickens me. Oh to be 10 again!!

  2. Too true I’m afraid although there’s no such thing as a ‘small’ farm where I come from but life in rural areas is still very community minded.

    Speaking of changing landscapes, I remember small farms from my childhood and my many visits to the old dart. I still have (as you know) a very romantic notion of small British farmholdings and hedgerowed fields. Today, it’s all combine harvesters and huge seeding machines, rotalactor dairies and battery hens. Such a shame. It seems an eon ago when I used to be given a ride home on a donkey, courtesy of one of the farm lads, after buying free range eggs from Shenton’s farm in Cheshire!

    Vale Vigar, let’s hope there are still a few more like you around yet!

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