
Bewildered — 7 Comments

  1. Ian, 90% practising Catholics seems a very high figure, but then ‘Going to church doesn’t make you any more a Christian than going to the garage makes you a car!’

  2. Grannymar,

    It was a 50+ survey, and even if they weren’t completely honest, the church is extraordinarily resilient. I referred back to the letter to make the point that even someone sympathetic feels at a loss at the legal action. This was not about making public disclosure of documents but about making them available to the commission investigating clerical child abuse. I feel very sorry for the many, many faithful clergy who get tarred with a single brush by these scandals.

  3. Ian – what happened to the views of the 50+ generation of C of I members or are there too few of us about for anyone to care?

    Enjoy the weekend of rugby ahead. I’m kicking-off with the (under 20s) Six Nations match tonight (RTE 2 7.30pm) with plenty more to look forward to on Sat and Sun.

    Blogging is playing in the back row this weekend 😀

  4. Hi Steph, I think the little Prod community was not included in the survey. It’s part of the sectarianism of overlooking that I find very common here. I’m fed up with being called a non-Catholic!

    The rugby this weekend could be bleak. The Italians are getting stronger and O’Sullivan is sticking with players who failed in France (though, to be fair, he hasn’t much choice)

  5. Surely cooperating with the commission will vindicate the majority of clergy. I don’t understand the unwillingness to expose those who need to be charged. It seems in Australia that these abuses are only investigate by police after complaints from victims or interested lobbyist. I’m not aware of any enquiry outside the church.

    Maybe the high level of older parishioners still faithful to the church is indicative of their age. Seeking solace into their twilight years (although at 51 I’m hardly a twighlighter!) Maybe the survey sample was very small. Maybe you Irish are more faithful than us heathen aussies.

    Rugby? What rugby?

  6. Ian,

    You rang the bell with my Presbyterian
    husband when you said that you were fed up
    with being called a Non Catholic..

    We even get mail at our house from the parish
    requesting money and the letter is addressed
    to Mrs. R.L. and Mr. R.L. N/C. My husband gets

    The priest should only know how many donations that slur has cost him over the many years we have been

  7. Baino,

    The abuse here was deeply institutional. Alleged paedophiles were sheltered by the church – one such case brought down the Irish government in 1994.

    You may well ask ‘what rugby?’ Ireland were very poor.


    A bit of humility on the part of the hierarchy would carry them a long way. They seem terrified of admitting they get things wrong – it’s as though they think the whole thing would come unravelled if they accepted that the church was fallible.

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