
Twenty years on — 5 Comments

  1. As I said before the older you get the more the memory plays tricks, the short term memory gets worse and things tat happened many years ago can be recalled with amazing clarity

  2. Interesting conversion on the Austin Metro in pic 2 suspect it was for a wheelchair user. Fuel is not so expensive after all!!, It is now 3x what it was then (@38p) now its £1.15, salary is now 4x what it was then!!!!!

  3. Peter is so right. I can barely remember what I did last Saturday but when I was 21 . . clear as crystal! I love the photo with the side mirror. Very clever and I bet you didn’t even realise! And you’re right about the sign post . . confusion plus! Is Fishing a town or an activity?

  4. Grannymar,

    Can you imagine an Orange band walking in a straight line the whole day? 😉 I have seen fellows returning from the Field covering as much ground sideways as forwards!


    What did you say?


    My spam filter took exception to your comment and I had to rescue it – it mustn’t like Austin Metros


    Fishing is a state of mind!

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