
In days — 4 Comments

  1. “Is it only in extremis that we value the moments in ordinary life?”

    Too true! Nuala O’Faolain (who died last night) in a recent radio interview, portrayed this ability to cherish every moment in her final days.

    “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is God’s gift, that’s why we call it the present.”

  2. Kirsty McCall another young life tragically cut short and no-one really held accountable.

  3. I’m guilty of ‘waiting’ for future events to shape my life but since I lost my husband at 35 years of age, I certainly know the value of ‘days’ our future is always undcertain so I try to take each as it comes and see some value in it (I think blogging helps me because I contemplate what’s been worthy of writing about each day which leads me to reflect on it’s minutia). Usually, it’s the ordinary ones that prove to be the most enjoyable … yesterday with my son was one of those ‘days’ worth remembering.

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