
Reasons to be a ‘loo-lah’ — 2 Comments

  1. Goodness, sounds like Ireland’s gone to the dogs! I’m happy to be among a band of loo-lahs. What happens to (I suspect) well-intentioned people once they enter senior positions in the public service, its as if some widget goes off and they turn into instant idiots who treat the rest of the population with total disdain?

  2. Great post, Ian

    Your list above is spot-on! Those in authority have lost our trust.

    I voted ‘Yes’ because of the argument put forward by non-politicians/retired politicians in favour of ratifying the Treaty. I suspect that the ‘No’ vote had little to do with Lisbon but a lot to do with suspicion and dissatisfaction with those in power. It remains to be seen what final interpretation will be put on the result.

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