
Those odd people who won't go away — 3 Comments

  1. Indeed they are but in times past the Church has also imposed it’s moral high ground on third world peoples and not always to their advantage. Look at our own Stolen Generation – the best of intentions but effective in diluting an indigenous population and forcing assimilation into western culture. I guess it’s a bit different for missionaries ‘on the ground’ in Africa though because they’re not attempting assimilation just providing much needed aid. Good on em! *feels guilty for being a middle class liberal discussing situations at dinner table*

  2. I sometimes wonder if there was more of a ‘I will show you how to do’ than ‘I will do for you’ attitude among ALL those that go to the third world countries to help.
    W e are constantly being reminded of the drought situation in many areas, so helpers go to these areas and dig wells and institute irrigation schemes while the natives of the country stand and watch an learn very little.
    Maybe I have misread the situation, but I feel there is only one answer and that is education in all it’s forms

  3. The churches are indigenous now, and prone to taking their own theological direction, as Anglicans are discovering. A philosopher friend, who is a declared atheist, says that the main group of people preserving minority languages are bible translators! Far from assimilation, the churches seem to be supporting diversity.

    I think people need access to education and resources; what they don’t need are expatriate aid workers who are hugely costly and come with as much ideological baggage as the 19th century missionaries.

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