For the fainthearted . . .

Blogger navel gazing

Grannymar yesterday suggested naming five bloggers one might like to meet if one were attending the Irish Blog Awards in February, which I am not; it being in Cork, at a weekend, and Sunday being the only day I work.

Until two years ago, I was hardly aware of other bloggers.  I would write the stuff for the six people who might read it, (and some days there were none at all), without much consciousness of what others might be writing.  An RTE television feature on blogging brought me the biggest number of readers I ever had in a day (I broke into double figures), but more importantly, it led me to discovering lots of stuff.

So, five Irish bloggers, who are complete strangers, but whom I would like to talk to, were I to be in Cork next month, in alphabetical order:

Bock the Robber is an enigma.  Endeavouring to offend everybody, (mainly with foul language), there is a passion for truth and justice in what he writes.  His post on a visit to Auschwitz in December 2008 is a profound piece.  I have no idea who he is, but he gets sixty times as many visitors as I get, so for that reason alone, he would be worth talking to.

The Church of Ireland is a very small church, but I don’t know my colleague Daniel Owen.  His photography on his blog Imprints of Light seems sublime, particularly the black and white shots.  Should he decide to change careers, he would not be long without work

Darragh Doyle writes posts longer than essays I would have written at university.  His former vocation to the priesthood would make intriguing stuff for conversation.

I nearly met Kate Macapaloo once (I am suspicious about that name – perhaps it is an Irish spelling of something).  There are not many women driving taxis; the stories must be fascinating.

The list would not be complete without Red Mum whose camera shots  can make a dull and mundane world seem a different place.

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