
At the sharp end of things — 2 Comments

  1. As I sit here lamenting the pathetic efforts of our Rugby team in my T shirt and shorts with a fan blowing my frizz I can attest that things are changing. We are having our fifth day of over 35 degree weather which is most unusual for this time of year. Whether man made or not, climate change is upon us and even as I type our Opposition is in crisis over the issue.

    Unfortunately, the Maasai will have to adapt . . their ancient lifestyle cannot be maintained any more than the Irish farmer or the Australian coal miner. All are dying breeds. Governments are re-active, not pro-active. It’s up to us to work out a solution. I’m sorry I haven’t been around for a while, I will catch up on the weekend. Eloquently put as always. Hope you and yours are keeping your feet dry,

  2. The Irish farmer and Australian coal miner have options, they have state structures and welfare systems, the poor Maasai have nothing, except the habits of generations. No-one is going to pay them social security, no-one is going to give them land on which to settle.

    Dublin is dry – the West is going through a terrible time.

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