
Blondie and hoping — 7 Comments

  1. I loved the whole feel of this! One year past 50, I still think I’m in there when “young people” are mentioned. Whatever happens to the appearance, I think we’re still 18on the inside. I hope all is going well for you, and wish you both great happiness in C&O.

  2. My father brought me back the Parellel Lines LP from a business trip circa 1982/1983. I didn’t even know my father knew who Blondie was, but thinking back, he was a year younger then than I am now. I don’t think that the optimism ever really fades. One may now wonder about how, in the past, one could ever have had such wildly irrational expectations of, and hopes for, the future (you’re not alone in that, Ian), but at base the optimism still remains. It’s just as well, or life would be unutterably gloomy.

  3. I think vodka and lime was one of the ‘in drinks’ of the mid-late 70’s Ian, I used to drink it at ‘Maisies’ until one night ( I was about 15 at the time) getting very drunk (at Jo Webbs party) on it ,was violently sick and have never touched it since…….so will it be the Chi-Lites tomorrow??? Supertramp..Crime Of The Century…was the first LP I bought…!!!

  4. The Who were playing too loud – so I switched them for The Chi-Lites, forgetting that they could play loudly as well.

  5. From an Old’n on music, Gerry Rafferty, The Kinks, The Rolling Stones and many others including some classis are all great

  6. Still listening to Parallel Lines in the car. You have my sympathy for having to endure what’s on offer over the airwaves in the middle of the island. Perhaps you should invest in one of those iPod rebroadcasters (that can also channel DAB). Or you could use it to channel your fancy phone which has an app to access radio over the internet. I find A-Net radio from Antarctica very mellow, though it appears to be just the one version streaming out no matter when you check in.

  7. BW,

    I’m not great with technology. I haven’t yet discovered how to reset the clock on my car, which is till on winter time. I was given a DAB radio at Christmas 2008 and can’t get it to work in Kilkenny.

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