
God of the holes — 5 Comments

  1. “Do you want the truth or something beautiful?” Oh dear. Can’t we have both? Maybe we just need to redefine beauty? Or to see it properly?
    Re the visiting priest: What an oddball. (Sudden outbreak of lack of uncharity.)

  2. I think truth is often ‘ugly’ in our perception because it refuses to be shaped by our desires.

  3. Courageous and rational post.

    It beggars belief that the RCC can’t bring itself to redefine the “real presence” in this subatomic age.

    I had reason to refer to Bishop Robinson’s “Honest to God” and Paul Tillich’s “Shaking of the Foundations” in a recent comment on one of PaddyAnglican’s posts. These were formative texts in my breaking out of the closed circuit logic of the RCC fundamentalism of my day.

    I’m a bit disappointed that Paddy’s Daddy is allowing this rubbish to be propagated in his diocese, but then we can’t blame Paddy for that.

    Incidentally, your name came up in a recent conversation with Irene Moiselle (neé Kane). Small world.

    Rath ar an obair (and for God’s sake, keep up the blog),


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