
Forgetting how to sing — 4 Comments

  1. Civilisation going backwards, inequality growing as part of deliberate government policy in many countries especially in Ireland and the UK – and few challenges to this approach. The churches are generally silent on the causes and effects of the economic crisis apart from honourable exceptions like Fr. Peter McVerry. Of course, the Anglican church has more important issues to worry about – after all who cares about increasing poverty, injustice and inequality when issues of human sexuality need to be discussed. I wonder why the phrase “deckchairs on the Titanic” comes to my mind.

  2. Regressive taxation that places an unequal burden upon poor people – a definite slip backwards!

  3. I love singing canticles, but I was taught how to do it at an early age (and then drilled every week when I was in the choir at Lincoln College by organ scholars who had learned their stuff in cathedral choirs). I do prefer using the 1662 texts, though; the newer translations feel clumsy, though this is purely because of the ghost of the familiar rhythms from the older texts bumping along underneath them, not because of inherent ugliness. I prefer chanting or saying canticles to using substitute hymns, which go on longer and tend to have to insert filler words and lines to make up the verses (the same goes for the gloria).

    However, chant done badly can be very, very awful. You have to take it at a lick and sing in speech-rhythm as far as possible, nimbly and lightly. It’s hard.

  4. Oh dear! I must have made you cringe on many occasions.

    The canticles on Sunday were briskly and loudly sung.

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