Pain in silence
“Tell me about xxxx”.
“Do you know the stories about Mr xxxx?”.
“I do”.
“Then you can draw your own conclusions”.
I called with xxxx. He has been in psychiatric care for years.
“Did you know Mr xxxx?” he asks.
“I didn’t”.
“He’s dead now”.
“He is”.
Researching Mr xxxx, there is only one reference to him on the Internet, on a family history website. An inquirer names Mr xxxx; the response could have been anticipated,
My family and I are in the process of creating our family tree . . .We have come to a full stop on my nan’s side of the family. I am trying to get some detail about a Headmaster who was at xxxxx School House his name was xxxx (not sure if this the correct spelling it could be xxxx) he was born xxxx in xxxx. He is the brother of my great grandmother xxxx. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
The reply is discreet,
Just read your query. I am the current owner/occupier of xxxx Schoolhouse. The family name of the last headmaster was xxxx. I know a little of the person, but could find a lot more. However, there may be some problems, so I don’t know if you want to proceed further.
The inquirer is delighted at the response,
Fantastic. I can’t believe somebody has been in touch. I am in the process of researching my family history and have come to a full stop on my grandmother’s side of the family. Any information you have would be appreciated good or bad.
There is no point in causing unnecessary pain,
I can get you plenty of information, but am not sure that a public forum is the best way. Do you want to correspond by email as it would be more private.
Mr xxxx was a paedophile. The pain he caused and the damage he did in people’s lives still endures. xxxx was sent to Mr xxxx as a foster child; he never recovered. Years later, memories are still too raw for Mr xxxx to be discussed; in death, he remains the abuser he was in life.
Wow bloody interesting though