
Belated happy birthday — 5 Comments

  1. Great memories there Ian, you remember so much its amazing, I had forgotten about the Morris Minor. I remember there was an old Austin 7 in the barn to the left of the farm entrance and Tims Dad had the Allard in his workshop to the right….and we also had some fantastic adventures in the old farmyard and outbuildings…..Tim(and Max) used to have some great Dinky and Corgi toys too…..I hope he had a great 50th…Happy Birthday Tim where ever you are…….

  2. There was another vehicle in there Ian, I just cannot remember what it was though… It could have been a Healey. I can remember it was to the left of the entrance and the little Austin 7 to the right….

  3. The Austin 7 was dark blue. I think the vehicle to the left was incomplete. Maybe I think it was an Austin Healey because the other car was an Austin

  4. Yes it was incomplete, just some bare steel panels fitted to it……..Ian its fun digging into the memories and you seem to be able to trigger them….

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