
A good teacher — 2 Comments

  1. Having endured the Mrs Jay style of teaching/physical/verbal abuse by the same teacher from Junior Infants right through to 4th class I always assumed that such teaching methods were the norm. It was only when I moved into the Mr Bruce style of teaching in 5th class that I realised it certainly wasnt the norm. Unfortunately by then the damage was done not just to me but to the many children who passed through the hands of the former teacher – even grown men still recall their time spent with her in horror and dread. Thankfully things are different now & my little girl really looks forward to heading off to school each day and loves her teacher – a far cry from the days when I used to try and use any excuse in an endeavour not to have to endure another torturous day in school – hardly an environment conducive to learning.

  2. Sometimes, I think, we need some sort of truth commission in Ireland to clear up the pain left behind.

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