
Bank robbers — 9 Comments

  1. And can someone give me even a vaguely logical reason why they insist that we allow two to three days for money to transfer, in this day and age where it is all done electronically? If they decide to deduct interest, I notice it happens immediately.

  2. Two or three working days – I often wonder where the money goes at the weekends.

  3. It can happen on the same day over here (in GB, depending on the banks.
    It was (and is) always an outrageous scam.
    When people painted the word ROBBERS after the name of the bank on branch walls in Belfast it always seemed appropriate – and that was years ago.

  4. Last night on BBC’s Panorama programme they showed many banks up for the ‘thieving’ organisations they really are, they named some, Barclays RBS HSBC and others.

  5. If the mitred ones were going to speak out they would have done it by now. In any case Parish clergy see the effect of the banks’ behaviour, the recession, the “Bail out”/Structural Adjustment Programme on their parishioners in their daily interaction with them. If a group of them were to spek out it might be more effective than any Bishop’s statement because it would have a wider base.

  6. No-one listens to parish clergy – I have twenty-five years of no-one listening!

  7. Perhaps if a group of parish clergy from across denominations were to speak out someone might listen and it might encourage the mitred ones to break their silences.

  8. I don’t think there is much prospect of such a coalition; I’m not aware of any parish clergy in the Church of Ireland who would agree with what I say. I spoke at the 2009 General Synod in Armagh about the arrogant pride of the bankers and financial collapse being like a tumbling Tower of Babel and was told that a female Dublin cleric had sent a text to my wife saying no-one understood what I was talking about. I gave up on General Synod after that, resigning altogether from it last year.

    It’s always a salutary exercise to read those Old Testament prophets and realize that, despite their status, they were ignored. If an Amos can’t get a hearing, there is no hope for a junior cleric in a tiny church.

  9. Your experience is a sad comment on the priorities of the Church of Ireland although I can think of some clergy, even in your own Dioceses, who share your views on the economy and the banks.

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