
Sermon for the Second Sunday in Advent, 4th December 2011 — 5 Comments

  1. Thank you so much for your thoughts. After a day in town battling with the crowds,your words hit home. Coming from North Yorkshire it reminded me as kid our Christmas started Christmas Eve when after Midnight Mass we went to bed and awoke on Christmas morning to find the house decorated Christmas tree and all, our stockings filled with home made toys completed secretly in the run up to Christmas. we continued this practice with our own children, but now our Grandchildren moan that the Advent calanders we send to them are just pictures. Where are the Chocolates? God Bless you Jim.

  2. I appreciate this short but nourishing homily, indeed many of us just end at seeing the beard of John the Baptist rahter than listening to the message. LET ME PRAY THAT I UNDERSTAND BETTER WHY CHRIST WAS BORN.

  3. Thank you, sincerely, for your reflections.

    This “wee note” is sent your way from frigid, snowy, delightful South Cariboo in British Columbia, Canada.

    At any time of the year, the Irish bard in me relishes the profundity of the Incarnation. Christmas time, even in the midst of trappings imposed by twenty-first century desires to experience everything in the here-and-now and not pause to savour it.

    May God bless us – everyone.

  4. Pastor John,

    I could not cope with a Cariboo winter – it reached minus fifteen in Ireland last Christmas and the country nearly stopped.

  5. I loved the points you made so much so I plan to use some of them on Sunday.
    God Bless You for the encouraging words

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