
Blackcurrants and time off work — 6 Comments

  1. I wonder what the hourly rate of pay worked out at. There were women in our village who used to stitch leather gloves at home; I think the hourly rate was tiny.

  2. Ian, do you remember the Gypsy children who used to attend Ham school once a year whilst their parents picked peas for Harry Inder ? I wonder what their hourly rate was? It probably involved some cider!

  3. I do remember them. They used to arrive around September time and move on a few weeks later. I’ve often wondered where they spent the winter. It must have been a hard old life.

  4. Well as it happens I am currently reading a book I picked up ‘cut price’ in a local garden centre (one of those that sells everything!) Titled ‘Dreams of the Road’ (Gypsy life in the West Country) by Martin Levinson and Avril Silk and it’s quite interesting how they survived and their way of life..There is even a small picture of the pea pickers at High Ham in the 1950’s. If you are interested there are 2 ISBN no’s 13:978 1 84158 505 5 and 10: 1 84158 505 X publishers ..

  5. We would be out in season every year picking blackberries from the roadside brambles – and stealing fruit from each others buckets and bags to add to our own.

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