
Jesus and Husqvarna — 6 Comments

  1. Presume you told Katharine about the logs!!!!! Just read this, it caused a smile as l knew it would. You do have a way with words!!! Am going to re-read it tomorrow when my eyes are wide open, and will comment in more detail. You should seriously consider doing some real writing, and write some books, in between cutting grass on your day off, l in this month and looking after 3 or is it 4 churches!!! I mean it, you are very good at it, i’m very impressed by some of the articles you have written. Anyway, tomorrow is another day. Enjoy your day off even if it is going to be spent on a ride on mower!!!!!

  2. Thanks, but the reason I’m writing on a blog is that nowhere else would publish anything I had written. Everything I have ever sent to publishers has been rejected, as have attempts to interest newspaper editors; I even failed to get a free newspaper to take any interest in the idea of a weekly column.

  3. I agree Patricia, Ian you would sell at least one book if you wrote it on your childhood, ‘Memories of Somerset’ I would buy one….! I think you have written some great pieces for your blog….

  4. Re- your writing, l find it hard to believe, and as your friend says, he would buy one, so would l !!!!! Think you have a great gift, when you have time, you should jot down a few ideas and take it from there. Now, to the article l was too tired to answer properly last night. Firstly grass!!! Our tumble down shack ( although it isn’t by an old railroad track!!) is surrounded by grass and hedges, they are everywhere, and my husband looks after all that even though he is 70, and l tend the flowers!!! We also have an acre of grass next to the house, which is just like a meadow. It ends up being made into hay by one of the local farmers, and Bob’s your uncle. A few sheep would graze your 2 acres, and most farmers are always looking for land for sheep or horses etc. Even though it is not your grass per se, could you not just let it grow and have a chat with one or two farmers and cut it later in the summer???? This is only a suggestion, you could then sell it and do whatever you deemed fit with the money!!! I don’t think there is a manual for following Jesus, nor did He expect you to get entagled in bushes and brambles on His behalf!!! However, as you quite rightly point out that this theoretically is not your grass, so don’t cut it!!! I was only ever in the Deanery a couple of times, but if it is so ancient and inundated with preservation orders then it hardly seems conducive to be a clergy dwelling house. There are many alternatives to its use, and the C of I committee should build a new Deanery complete with dishwasher, en suite et al !! It is rather ironic that my rector lives 5 minutes down the road from me,who is a single man, lives in a modern state of the art rectory, which was completely refurbished during the incumbency of Roy Byrne, and includes an en suite and a dishwasher. It’s a lovely house, there is grass!!! but nothing that a quick run round with a Flymo wouldn’t solve. I probably agree with you about people liking their rector close by, l have been lucky with rectors who were good friends, so it was nice to pop in and have a cup of tea and a chat, but then a lot of parishioners would not have that level of friendship either. I’m not sure about whether you fellow clergy have similar problems, but l guess some of them do, you should get together and form a committee of your own and get up a petition or have a quiet word with your neighbour in Troysgate!!! These are just a few fractured thoughts that may or may not make much sense, but like your wife, you are entitled to have time off and a nice warm house, and no two acres of grass to cut!! If it does not belong to you, leave it alone and let it grow to the sky if it wants, l presume you do not use it as a back garden!!!! Do write something, digressing from grass et al, it would be great to read a book written by you, whatever the genre, perhaps a murder in the Deanery, an eighteenth century ghost, endless possibilities, and like your friend suggests, your childhood in Somerset, go for it!!!! Don’t suppose one is supposed to leave comments this long, but, tend to be a bit like that when l start writing, or typing as the case maybe. I am going to do a ‘nixer’ one sunday and appear in Co Laois at one of your services, would think you’re quite a powerful preacher, l pray that l am right!!! On that note, must away to sleep like a ‘log’!!! Glanced at your flag story, but not enough time to absorb it all, but i’m sure it will be intersting, perhaps not as much as the two acres of grass!!!! Blessings to you both.

  5. Some of your blogs could be read on Sunday Miscellany on RTE radio; your sermons would provide lots of ideas to clergy and readers. I take it you’ve tried religious publishers.

  6. Spot on Martin, yes they could, I enjoy listening to Sunday Miscellany since I got an iphone, in fact I listen to RTE on the iphone more than I use it as a phone..!!!

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