
Avoiding wild things — 4 Comments

  1. Yes, Syria -on all sides- for poor underprivileged Muslims who’s parents and grand parents came to work in the industries of Alsace-Ruhr-Belgium-Holland and the English cities including Birmingham and Leeds. Those who like the Left of Europe in the 30s can neither go forward nor back.

  2. Some of the Syrian refugees must feel like the Spaniards who fled during the Retirada in 1939 only to find themselves put in a concentration camp by the French

  3. In the West Cork Heritage Centre in Bandon, they have a pamphlet relating to a group of O’Duffy’s Brugade heading off on ship to join Franco’s Army. It made me think of the efforts made by International Brigade members walking over mountains to avoid blockade and regulations were not same for both sides.

    Lovely memorial plaque on Liberty Hall naming Irish victims. Also excellent sculpture unveiled in Limerick last year (behind City Hall)

  4. I have a colleague whose uncle was the Revd Robert Hilliard, who died fighting for the International Brigade, his story was extraordinary.

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