
A book that doesn’t tell its story — 2 Comments

  1. Part of my degree was a section on palaeography where you were dealing with style of hand to best guesstimate when it was written. Amongst other outside like Whitby and Bede.
    Here we can say ’twas printed in 1725. And sometime after it was bought by Ann, and probably a Robert King sometime after that date. We don’t know where. The next bit is the Hon, which put them into the house of Lords. Of course then we had a choice of three.
    If we say it’s the Kings of Boyle I think we can settle on the 2nd Earl of Kingston his MIL was also a King but from Mitchelstown Castle. And here’s the important bit for the book, her father was grand master of the lodge in England and Ireland

  2. Excellent!I love to know the provenance of things.

    (My grandmother worked in the post office savings bank with Hannie Collins and was given a torch that was said to have belonged to Michael Collins. My father has it now, but there is no provenance with it).

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