
Your future is mapped out — 2 Comments

  1. The issue isn’t the testing. It’s that the response to that testing isn’t to devote greater resources to the ‘under colours’.
    In Ireland when free second level was made available in the 60s all it meant was the families who were paying moved to 1:1 class and were tracked to university while those in 1:2 and 1:3 were shunted to other endeavours. The divisions were entirely made with class in mind and with the free aspect of access the few scholarships vanished. So it wasn’t until the advent of free university education in the 90s that the slim access social movement returned.

  2. The inflexibility of the system concerns me – that post-16 fortunes should be predicted on the basis of tests at the age of 11 just seems absurd. There would be those who would contend that the tests are good predictors, but they are more likely self-fulfilling prophecies – treat a student as a lower green for five years and they turn out lower green

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