The six degrees stuff
Sitting on the top deck of the No 40 bus from Ballyfermot to the city centre, there was time to conemplate the diversity of people and languages among the fellow travellers. It is very different from the times when all the travellers on a particular route would probably have been known to each other.
It is said there are only six degrees of separation between any two people in the world. It sounds a dubious claim, to imagine any connection with those on the bus was difficult enough, without imagining the possibility of the billion strong populations in India and in China being connected with from someone from a small village in rural Somerset.
Perhaps there are certain people who are key links in a chain, people who have a whole web of connections.
Whilst a clergyman in Dublin, Anne Moen Bullitt was a parishioner during the final years of her life. Anne Bullitt’s mother was the political activist and journalist Louise Bryant.
Anne Bullitt’s father was William Bullitt, who served as ambassador of the United States in Moscow and then in Paris during the 1930s. An appointee of Roosevelt, William Bullitt was familiar with Stalin and was a friend of Sigmund Freud. It would be entirely spurious to claim that there were only three degrees of separation between myself and all three.
The words that comes to mind are those of a 1927 music hall song, I’ve danced with a man, who’s danced with a girl, who’s danced with the Prince of Wales, in which the singer delights in there being only three degrees of separation between herself and the future king, Edward VIII.
I’ve danced with a man, who’s danced with a girl, who’s danced with the Prince of Wales.
It was simply grand, he said “Topping band” and she said “Delightful, Sir”
Glory, Glory, Alleluia! I’m the luckiest of females
For I’ve danced with a man, who’s danced with a girl, who’s danced with the Prince of Wales.
My word I’ve had a party, my word I’ve had a spree
Believe me or believe me not, it’s all the same to me!
I’m wild with exultation, I’m dizzy with success
For I’ve danced with a man, I’ve danced with a man-
well, you’ll never guess
I’ve danced with a man, who’s danced with a girl, who’s danced with the Prince of Wales.
I’m crazy with excitement, completely off the rails
Perhaps, by some unlikely chain of connections, I really am connected to someone deep within rural China. Or, perhaps not.
It comes from the distance between the pleb and the Roman emperor. Followed by the distance between the parishioner and the pope. But it became widely, relatively, known when Peter the Great set up Russia from the template written by Machiavelli.
You see it in the words of 19C Russian novelists when they place write the serfs can’t believe the Tzar would allow them fester in the lives they lived and would do something but he wasn’t been told about their plight.
Ah, it’s vertical, not horizontal. That makes much more sense.