
Who will care about old men? — 2 Comments

  1. Howth, Knowth and Dowth. When studying the tombs and wider area I happened to chat with a chap from the area, well Navan. I saw his brows furrow at my sounding Knowth and Dowth softly as in Sew but he went Sow. Plus, its one of the very few times I’ve encountered the th sound actively voiced.

    To the case before the court.
    A few of things. How did the medics think it would go if the man wouldn’t leave the graft alone, what he would do to a amputation wound.
    Two, there will be a lot more visits to the courts with the new laws on competence.

  2. Working in Athboy, my pronunciations of Knowth and Dowth were corrected just last week.

    It was a case that was both baffling and depressing.

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