
A man buried alone — 3 Comments

  1. The problem is they were Imperialist in outlook, and saw Ireland within the Empire. But the Ireland they saw was Jesuit educated and their position in the Empire that of administration and business, albeit third rank below the old families and the Irish Tories. But mostly they were 40 to 50 years out of date even before the 1918 change to the numbers voting.
    It’s a bit like now, when the system by-passed the people absolutely required to make it run.
    On the Ulster question, that he had a measure of understanding wasn’t that unusual. In the Home Rule party, yes, but the pre ’18 electorate in most constituencies had a large minority voting Tory.

  2. If Ireland is ever to achieve a spirit of unity, though, it needs to embrace those for whom Willie Redmond remains a heroic figure.

  3. I’ve a feeling when ‘might be nice’ changes to ‘real possibility’ for unity we’ll see a hard headed examination. And if NI plays their Andorran position between the two economies there should be little reason to join.
    On Redmond, if the body wasn’t returned home by 1930 I don’t believe it will.

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