
Searching for a happy ending — 11 Comments

  1. The flaw is in your idea of a happy ending.In your version the reality would have been a weighty tin solider falling to the ground and a paper fairy fluttering away. I believe the Andersen story ended with the the tin melting and the paper burning before mixing with the tin and forming a tin heart – everlasting togetherness.

  2. I think I prefer a magical realism where tin soldiers can soar into the sky to Andersen’s metaphor in the fireplace!

  3. I remember the story from primary school as well and still have a hazy recollection of the final illustration in the book of the soldier and the ballerina in the fire……I didn’t like it at the time either, but then at that age it was probably because I didn’t understand …….

  4. I think Bette is right – about the melting heart togetherness. However, I prefer your ending.
    My Dad used to tell us stories about a boy called Woody. As sisters arrived, they became the Woody and Rachel stories – rescuing runaway horses, stopping train wrecks, that sort of thing.
    Imagine my happiness when as an adult I gained a friend called Woody.
    When he started going out with a girl called Rachel, the excitement was almost too much.
    Didn’t have a fairytale, fiery or airborne ending though. They split up. He’s with another. No idea about her.

  5. You’ve got me wondering now, one record of her private life stands, there is a photo of her playing the recorder in the High Ham W.I. book .

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