
Without the will — 3 Comments

  1. The term “understanding” always fascinates me. I have known several couples with an “understanding” and unfortunately they never seemed to develop further.

    We all need to think about putting affairs in order, it sure saves time and problems later on.

  2. @ Grannymar:

    One of the things I had to get used to in the country was the tendency for many things to be unspoken, perhaps it was a way in which people in a small community got along together – as long as nothing was definitely said, no-one could take offence.

    Reading the “understandings” that existed, not just between couples, but sometimes in families and sometimes in the church, was not easy. The problem with “understandings” is that they could leave people completely adrift (especially when coming into contact with hard realities like inheritance laws).

  3. Ian as a two-time beneficiary I can attest that without a will, those most deserving will miss out. Without my Dad’s will the four of us would probably be at loggerheads, who knows. Money and possessions do strange things to the closest of family. Mind you a 30 odd year understanding is pushing the boundaries a bit!

    On another note, it’s a bit like organ donation . . .unless we talk to those close about what we want when the time comes to be in a position to donate an organ, family often say ‘no’ because they had an ‘understanding’ that it was not the person’s will to donate. It costs us thousands of lives a year that could be saved by a cornea or a kidney.

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