On potholes and Calvinism
The grass on the banks needs to be cut, the weeds are through the gravel again and the potholes need to be filled in, I need to lead a work party next week to get the church grounds back in order. In the past, when I imagined myself twenty years on from ordination, my vision didn’t include wielding a hoe.
Partly, I think, it’s because they don’t have a prayer book, so must improvise for when the congregation gathers for worship. Partly, I think, it’s their tradition – the minister is the teaching elder. It is the minister’s task to preach the word and to lead the prayers. Between Sundays the minister does pastoral calls and he or she studies and prays, they don’t hoe weeds or shovel gravel into potholes. The minister is not expected to be the jack of all trades in the way the
Because Presbyterians take prayer so seriously I tend to pay special notice to the content of their prayers. Themes and illustrations from the Bible are very common, as you would expect in a church that places such an emphasis upon Scripture. I used to attend meetings where a retired Presbyterian minister, David Alderdice, would regularly lead the prayers. He would begin with an illustration from Scripture and weave the prayer around it, helping his listeners approach God in a way that they were very clear what they were about and what it was they were asking.
I remember clearly a line from his prayer, ‘Lord, you opened the cell door for Peter, but he had to stand up and walk through it’. Since I heard him saying that prayer, there have been many times that I have thought how appropriate his words are to very many situations. How often have we said our prayers in this church? How often have we really expected an answer? How often when there has been the chance of an answer have we been prepared to stand up and take the opportunity we have been offered?
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