
In the eye of the beholder — 6 Comments

  1. Ian I have a work of art in my kitchen.

    I met the artist while staying with my aunt in Dublin. The young lady loves to produce pictures she spends all day working on them. When each piece is completed she signs it, well that is what great artists do. She adds her phone number in case you would like to order another one.

    The young lady chooses the theme and the colours. It takes great effort to keep the colour inside the shapes of the outline colouring book page.

    Her daddy sharpens the coloured pencils every night. He removes the half or short ones. Talented people are allowed be tempramental, she only likes long pencils. The children of the neighbourhood always welcome the bundles of free colours that are no longer used.

    The young lady is 37 and had Downs Syndrome.

  2. Grannymar,

    You’re probably aware that with screening and genetic modification, Downs will probably have disappeared almost completely in fifty years time.

    We are no longer valued as people, we are now merely units of production and if we don’t have an economic contribution to make, then there is no place for us – so a group of people who value truth and love and beauty more than any other group I know, will cease to exist.

  3. Oh Ian! Re: Downs, that may be so but it’s an awful condition and sadly most times a life lived short. My neighbour’s son died recently at 25 bless him.

    Beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. I didn’t like the painting at all and can’t imagine it being worth so much but I’m with you on the little things that evoke strong emotion like your cross flowers and Grannymar’s painting. I’m babysitting an 8 and 10 year old this weekend. There is guaranteed to be a ‘work out’ for the busy box!

  4. I agree with the sentiments you express about ‘beauty’ Ian and I especially agree with your response to Grannymar.

    The decorating of our local church for weddings got so extravagent and outlandish that the Parish Priest had to issue an edict of what was acceptable and what wasn’t.

    Needless to say ….. he was criticised for his ‘imposition of such archaic rules’. I agree totally with what he was doing.

    Bigger and better seems to be the order of the day. The bigger it is the more we lose sight of the beauty of the simpler things in life.

  5. In my book, the only beauty worth talking about is that which comes from within.

    My home is adorned with priceless ‘treasures’ which cannot be bought or sold (children’s paintings, stones collected off favourite beaches, family photos etc.) and these possessions are true beauty in the eye of the beholder!

    The simplest pleasures in life are always the best. Thanks for the reminder, Ian

  6. I wonder then, if we accept that beauty is something perceived by each person, why we react to certain things as being “ugly”? And why there is such a huge “beauty” industry which presents particular images of what is ‘beautiful’ and what is not?

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