
Getting the simple things right — 5 Comments

  1. “What was it that made it successful?”

    Ian, all the best things in life are FREE!

    Hope the sun shines for you tomorrow 😎

  2. The Lord sends the rain upon the just and the unjust – as says the Reverend Timms on Postman Pat (I think it might be in the Book of Common Prayer as well).

    I think true friendship and community will always include having unlimited time to spend with people (it’s a lesson I’ve taken a long time to learn!)

  3. Aww I wish I could come. I have nothing on today at all. Love a sausage sizzle! Being the bastion of sport that we are down here, it’s a rare thing for a child not to belong to some sort of sporting club . . .sadly this drifts off a little once they hit their teens but it is a great opportunity to ‘belong’ keep fit, meet new people and develop a social network. From my limited experience, the Church lacks in this area. When my kids were small there wasn’t even Sunday School – they had to sit through a full Mass and little social interaction afterwards.

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