
Prepared for eventualities — 5 Comments

  1. I’m very impressed by Herself’s ability to travel light. I tend to be a ‘just in case’ sort of packer so while I’m always prepared for every eventuality, I often manage to forget one of the basics for everyday living.

    Enjoy the break, Ian

    I hope you packed your water wings 😀

  2. Ian at least you managed to get all the food in the right place today and neither your shirt,tie,trousers,socks or shoes suffered. It was great to see you after 33 years and to meet your family, thank you very much for your hospitality Cheers Les

  3. Aww I’m jealous of Les!

    Now don’t you worry about the Green Bag . . we ‘light’ packers find it very useful travelling with you contingency planners! I know women with handbags that contain simmilarly useful bits and pieces!

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