
Potato economics — 5 Comments

  1. I’ve been reassured reading this, Ian

    I would be optimistic that this recession will force everyone, wealthy or otherwise, to re-evaluate their lives. It’s not going to be any fun but then neither was WW1/2. It will be a welcome reminder that people not possessions, are what really matters.

    And planting potatoes might well shortly become the only certainty in an uncertain world.

  2. Ian, I’d buy your potatoes…only if they are Kerrs Pinks….They make the most wonderful jacket spuds….I love them and you can’t get them over here!!!!

  3. Steph,

    There is so much scaremongering and such a dearth of leadership from either side of the Dail that people are scared about what might happen.

    Planting potatoes is very therapeutic (says he who has nothing but cobble-lock front and back!)

  4. Wicklow Roosters in this house – they’re pink and excellent for mash. Don’t know if there are still Kerr’s Pinks.

  5. Maris pipers make good mash, roasties and jacket spuds. Combers aren’t bad either and British Queens are nice and floury. The only thing I know about in the whole world is which spuds are good.

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