
Shortening days — 6 Comments

  1. Ian, what a fantastic memory you have I too remember the puzzles of the world, I always liked the British Isles puzzle…….I can for some strange reason also remember the wired safety glass in those glazed doors………And 3 weeks later in the summer holidays my Mother making me go to the school swimming pool in the cold and rain !!!!..Brrrrrr

  2. Peering in through that glass is a frequent memory – did it stick in the mind because it must have been fairly unusual in those days?

  3. I think maybe it was as the ‘wired Georgian’ was a safety glass which we didn’t have at home….Also the kitchen was a fairly new addition to the school with I guess the dining room being converted from a classroom with new doors fitted to access the playground…

  4. Incredible memory alright. I feel jipped, I don’t think I ever did a puzle of the British Isles although I do remember counting a million grains of rice. Ah well, Midsummer it might be but it’s a good sign for use, longer days and warmer weather although in reality, not for a couple of months just yet! Enjoy the sun when it shines.

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