
Could we bring home Willie Redmond? — 4 Comments

  1. Each Government has the duty of honouring its citizens by valuing memories of its martyrs and national heroes who sacrifice themselves for the nation’s cause.Major Redmond remains should be repatriated in his home territory to enable him to rest in peace on his ancestors’ land. Ireland is financially equipped to do that,Ian.

  2. There’s a false equivalency being created. There isn’t any issue now that WW1 is remembered and those that fought in that conflict held in respect. A family member of mine is in the ground down the road in Dranoutre and in other places dotted down the front from Diksmunde. And quite a few are on the Menin Gate and the curtain wall over in Tyne Cot.
    But what the government has tried to do is fold the two together. But in the same way you cannot fold both sides of the Peterloo Massacre and form a memorial to both on the one stone.

  3. There is no possibility of equivalency, the two traditions are irreconcilable. The best to which one can aspire is parity of esteem and, despite the government’s efforts in 2014, such parity does not exist. If there were a genuine Republican aspiration toward an Ireland for all her children, the commemoration of 1st July would be as significant as that of Easter, clearly that is not the case. The dominant narrative still excludes the tens of thousands who fought under the leadership of constitutional nationalist leaders whilst exalting the small minority who espoused violent republicanism.

  4. Yes, but in the exclusion there’s a few things going on. First the loss of that generation is simply added to the generations before and after. The lifespan of an Irish migrant wasn’t very long. Plus you have the issue in the 20s when the soldiers of both sides of the civil war left too.

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