
The reality of loneliness — 2 Comments

  1. The ancients knew life was lonely. But Seventeen isn’t a time when we’ve arrived at that conclusion. Yes, we sense it, but it hasn’t fully dawned that that’s the condition. At that age we still think it’s the aberration.
    Countryside and small towns can be vastly more lonely than any city for at least for the person they can form a pretence that visiting the theatre, concerts and galleries aren’t solo pursuits. Not being ‘of’ something in the rural areas can be bad indeed. Thank God for the internet.
    A bit off topic I know, but what drew it was the back patting we’ve had here these past weeks about last years referendum on Gay Marriage.

  2. As one who has been greatly blessed by the advent of the Internet and the social media, I wholeheartedly agree.

    Being a cleric in a rural community can often be very lonely.

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