
William Allingham’s days are returning — 1 Comment

  1. Recently academics dealing with folklore have tended to view the tales have a base in historical fact. During the early 20th century there was a policy to gather those tales from the schools kids and hold them. Every so often I see one published by the Tipperary Studies research guys up in Thurles.
    The parsing of the tales came due to a re-examining of the Icelandic Sagas much as Schliemann did for the Iliad with regards to the Mycenaean sites and the mound at Hisarlik.
    What’s been quite striking is the lack of urgency here in Ireland to looking at the Táin Bó Cúailnge. It would seem having IDed Rathcroghan and Emain Macha excavated things were parked.
    Instance; Wouldn’t slave raiding go some way to explain the disappearance of the kids. The follow on Q, is just when, Viking period, when the Romans required workers for copper and other oar mines. Or even earlier.

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