
Not seventeen — 6 Comments

  1. I hope you don’t spend as much time as I did in the alps, sitting on my bottom in the snow uinable to get up from the laughter!


  2. Have a great time Ian you deserve it.Live the luxury . Those lines about the kid in Somerset blew me away, I wish we had stayed in touch as teenagers.
    If you cant get on with the skis you could always try to get hold of one of those machines that Max Croot races!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ian was just thinking you should tell grannymar the Jethro story which caused you to fall over on one of you previous skiing trips. Les is probably the only other person who knows who Jethro is but it’s a good story. Enjoy the holiday and see you in three weeks.

  4. Ahh What Appened wuz, Me ‘n’ Denzil Penworvy wuz down the pub tuther night(do it in a Cornish accent)……………………..The rest is unprintable here!!!Enjoy the skiing , don’t swirl that wine too much drink up. Cheers Les

  5. I envy you the cold Ian but not the snow . . .have a great trip. Well not literally . .you know what I mean . . enjoy!

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